USATF Illinois
Semi-Annual Meeting Minutes
Sunday, May 5th, 2014
Benedictine University
General Body


Jamero Rainey, Officials

Clifton Culpeper, Maximum Quotient TC

Derrick Calhoun, Firestaters

Monica Dawson, Firestarters

Greg Evans, LDR Chair

Bernie Lewis, Officials

F. Lee  Slick, Officials

Deeanna Slenk, Officials

Marc Jones, Zephyrs

Rachelle Richmond, Zephyrs

Howard Birmingham, Valley vipers

Bob & Mary Pleticha, Elgin Sharks

Mike Powers, Officials

Steven Kessler, Officials

Ruth Welding, Masters/Officials

Sue Hallen, Masters/Officials

Diane Graham-Henry, Race Walk chair

Chawn Wilson Sr. , Warrior Athletic Club

Ron Lee, Aurora Flyers

Ed. DeGeeter, Aurora Flyers

Enoch Benson IV, Illinois Flying Eagles

Ben Averyheart, Warriors Ac

Ron Lynch, Zephyrs

Steve Shelley, Zephyrs

Jess Gathing, Kankakee TC

Art Pahl, Southwest Suburban

Nicole Moore, LV’s Cheetahs

Nicole Lincoln, Illinois Rush

Dorothy Dawson, Zephyrs

Lorette Cherry, Zephyrs


Meeting called to order at 1:00 p.m. by Lorette Cherry, Secretary.
Old Business. None.
New Business:

Shared the following information from the Board of Directors meeting:.
- Regional coordinator for the Reg 7 Championship is Art Pahl.
 - Masters & Open T&F Association Championship is Saturday, June 14, at Lincoln Way North HS, in Frankfort, Illinois.
- The Board approved the purchase of two sets of starting blocks.
- There is a Level 1 coaches class, June 27-29, Benedictine University.
- New youth clubs must be registered by May 19 to avoid a $100 penalty.
 -Next meeting is October 26, 2014. Location TBD.

Committee Reports:

Race Walkers – Diane Graham Henry (excerpts)
- Diane is on the marketing committee for the Race Walk Executive Committee and had a table at the 2013 Annual convention.
- Rules change:  as of December 31, 2014, the one race walk yellow paddle with both rule offenses, bent knee and loss of contact, will need to be two paddles.
- Materials, DVDs and literature, are available along with personal attention to coaches. Please contact Diane.
- Diane is on the team staff as junior coach for three Pan American Race Walk Cups in Brazil, El Salvador and last year in Guatemala. Athletes qualify at the USATF Junior Outdoor championships in Eugene
- Diane provided highlights of the athlete’s performances.

Officials Report – Jamero Rainey (excerpts)
108 active officials (44 Apprentice, 21 Association, 24 National and 19 Masters).
Scott Erwin promoted to Masters level official.
Mike Powers appointed co-chair officials.

Recap Indoor Meets
- Dorothy Dawson Invite: 20+ officials in attendance
- Masters and Open: 8 officials in attendance


Upcoming Summer Meets

- Youth JO Association Championships June 21-22 Benedictine University.
- Masters and Open June 14 Lincoln Way North.
- Youth Outdoor at IU - Bloomington.  (Illinois to host in 2015).
- Region 7 T&F will be in Indiana.


Cross Country Championships
- Association:  Nov 15, Lewis University, for Open, Youth and Masters,
- Region 7 JO Cross Country, Nov 22, Lewis University,


Would like to have a training session in Nov/Dec.  U of I would be willing to host.  Provide room and access to track.

Track access would not be exclusive, but no cost to hold meeting there.

Suggested topics

        USATF/NCAA/NFHS rule differences

        Event specific (Throws/W&M/Starting)

        USATF National Activities


Requested clubs to find people interested in becoming officials.


Masters – Sue Hallen for Barb Lauff (excerpts)
-Reviewed the Indoor Masters & Open Championship in Sterling.
- 2015, Masters & Open, tentatively scheduled for February 28th.
- Illinois will bid for the National Throwers meet in 2016
- There is a Masters Incentive Program that is designed to attract more competitors.


Long Distance – Greg Evans

As the new LDR chair, Greg shared his ideas on how the program should operate.
First 5K Association Championship scheduled for Sunday, June 15, 2014.


Youth – Marc Jones (excerpts)
- reviewed Dorothy Dawson invite.
- Upcoming meets include:
    - Association Championship, June 21 – 22,
    - Region 7 Championship, July 10-13, Huntington, Indiana.
    - Association Cross Country Championships, November 15, Lewis University.
   -  Region 7 Cross Country Championships, November f22, Lewis University.
   -  USA Youth Outdoor Championship, Lisle, Illinois, June 29-  July 5, 2015.

Member Services – Lorette Cherry
- Reviewed clubs and coaches requirements for 2014.

Dismissed at 2:15 pm



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